A Scale-up Worker visa allows you to come to the UK to do an eligible job for a fast-growing UK business (sometimes called a ‘scale-up business’). The Scale-up route is for talented individuals recruited by a UK Scale-up Sponsor, who have the skills needed to enable the Scale-up business to continue growing. The person must have a high-skilled job offer from a qualifying Scale-up business at the required salary level.

The scale-up worker must have the skills needed to enable the business to continue to grow. This means they must:

  • have a job offer at the required skill-level (graduate level or above)
  • be paid at least £33,000 per year or the ‘going rate’ for the occupation code, whichever is the higher of these figures
  • be expected to work for you for at least the first 6 months of their permission
  • speak, understand, read and write English to the required standard

An application for Scale-up Worker visa is made in accordnace with Appendix Scale-up of the Immigration Rules. The Scale-up route is a route to settlement which means the application can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 5 years residence in the UK under Scale-up visa or in combination with other permitted visa category.

Premium Solicitors are specialist UK immigration solicitors and the high quality of UK visa and immigration legal services provided by our best team of fully qualified and experienced immigration solicitors is self-evident from the 5-star Google Reviews rating by 99% of our clients.

Our specialist team of immigration solicitors in London can provide expert immiration advice and legal representations on fixed fee basis for your application for Scale-up visa UK. Ask a question for free immigration advice online or book an appointment online for detailed immigration advice and consultation in relation to your application for Scale-up visa UK.

Various Scale-up Worker Visa Applications

As specialist work visa solicitors, we can provide legal help and assistance with the following applications under the Scale-up worker visa category:

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