You can apply for Skilled Worker visa entry clearance online from outside the UK if you are sponsored for a skilled job by a UK employer holding a Skilled Worker Sponsor licence. An entry clearance application for a skilled worker visa UK is made according to requirements as set out in Appendix Skilled Workers, Appendix Skilled Occupations and Appendix Immigration Salary List. The applicant must have a defined Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) to apply for a Skilled Worker visa UK entry clearance. An entry clearance application for a skilled worker visa UK can be submitted to the Home Office UKVI through Priority Service so that a decision on the entry clearance application is made by the UKVI within 5 working days.

Premium Solicitors are specialist skilled worker visa solicitors. The high quality of our legal services provided by our best team of fully qualified and experienced skilled worker visa solicitors is self-evident from the 5-star Google Reviews rating of 99% of our clients.

Free Immigration Advice For Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance

Our specialist team of skilled worker visa solicitors can provide one-off free immigration advice online in relation to your entry clearance application for a skilled worker visa UK. Ask a question to our specialist team of skilled worker visa solicitors for free immigration advice online or book an appointment online for detailed immigration advice with our specialist skilled worker visa solicitors concerning your application for skilled worker visa entry clearance.


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How To Apply For Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance?

The step-by-step process to apply for skilled worker visa entry clearance from outside the UK is as explained below:

  1. Complete the application form online for skilled worker visa UK on the UKVI website;
  2. Submit your completed application form for a skilled worker visa UK online by paying the application fee for a skilled worker visa UK. You may also have to pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) for a skilled worker visa entry clearance application.
  3. Book an appointment with the UK visa application centre for enrolment of your biometrics and to hand over your passport for the processing of your skilled worker visa in the UK.
  4. Upload all supporting documents online in PDF format before you attend your biometrics enrolment appointment so that they can be considered for the skilled worker visa application.
  5. Attend your biometrics enrolment appointment and wait for a decision on your skilled worker visa entry clearance application. If you apply through Priority Service, the decision will be made within 5 working days, or within 3 weeks if you apply through Standard Service.

What are the Requirements For Entry Clearance for Skilled Worker Visa UK?

The applicant must satisfy the following requirements of the immigration rules to succeed in an application for entry clearance for a Skilled Worker visa UK:

Valid Application: The applicant must submit a valid application for entry clearance for a skilled worker visa from outside the UK.

Valid Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS): The applicant must have a certificate of sponsorship that was issued to them by their sponsor no more than 3 months before the date of application.

Points Requirement: The applicant must score 50 points from mandatory non-tradeable points and score at least 20 points from tradeable points. 

Applicant's Age: The applicant must be aged 18 or over at the date of application for entry clearance for a skilled worker visa.

Suitability Requirement: The applicant must not fall for refusal under Part 9: grounds for refusal.

Tuberculosis Test Certificate: If paragraph A39 and Appendix T of these rules apply, a skilled worker applying for entry clearance must provide a valid medical certificate confirming that they have undergone screening for active pulmonary tuberculosis and that this tuberculosis is not present in them.

Financial Requirement: If the applicant is applying for entry clearance, either:

  • the applicant must have funds of at least £1,270. The applicant must show that they have held the required funds for a 28-day period and as specified in Appendix Finance; or
  • the applicant’s A-rated sponsor must certify that they will, if necessary, maintain and accommodate the applicant up to the end of the first month of their employment, to an amount of at least £1,270.

Criminal Record Certificate Requirement: The applicant must provide a criminal record certificate from any country you have lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years if you will be working with vulnerable people. The requirement of providing a criminal record certificate does not apply if the applicant provides a satisfactory explanation of why it is not reasonably practicable for them to obtain a criminal record certificate from any or all of the relevant authorities.

Salary Requirements For Skilled Worker Visa UK

To succeed in the Skilled Worker visa application, the applicant must score 50 points from mandatory non-tradeable points and at least 20 points from tradeable points. 

Mandatory Non-Tradeable Points For Skilled Worker Visa 

The applicant must score 50 mandatory non-tradeable points to succeed in an application for a Skilled Worker visa, and the remaining 20 points can be scored from tradeable points. The mandatory non-tradeable points are given in the table below:

Characterstics Points
Sponsorship 20
Job at appropriate skill level 20
English language skills at level B1 (intermediate) 10

Tradeable Points For Skilled Worker Visa UK

The application process for skilled worker visas asks applicants and sponsors to provide all relevant information that might attract tradeable points. Applicants can score tradeable points in more than one way (although they cannot mix and match different options). To secure a successful skilled worker visa, an applicant must amass 20 tradeable points. These points can be acquired through various options, each offering its own set of criteria for point allocation. However, please note that the applicant can claim 20 points from only one of the available options.

The applicant must be awarded 20 points from one of the options in the table below and for the purpose of meeting these points:

(a) an applicant can only be awarded points from options A to E, unless they meet the requirements in (b) or (c).

(b) An applicant can only be awarded points from options F to J if:

(i) they are being sponsored for a Health and Care ASHE salary job; or
(ii) the date of application is before 4 April 2030, they were granted permission as a Skilled Worker under the rules in place before 4 April 2024, and they have had continuous permission as a Skilled Worker since then (except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded).

(c) An applicant can only be awarded points from option K if they are being sponsored for a job in an appropriate eligible SOC 2020 occupation code listed in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations.

If your initial Certified of Sponsorship (CoS) was assigned on or after 4 April 2024, you will usually need to be paid the ‘standard’ salary rate of at least £38,700 per year, or the ‘going rate’ for your job, whichever is higher. Each occupation code has its own annual going rate. 

Salary Requirements Under Options A to E 

Various options to score 20 tradeable points for meeting the salary requirement for skilled worker visa UK are as follows: 

Meeting Salary Requirements Under Option A

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option A in accordance with the requirements of paragraph SW8.1 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules, the applicant’s salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £38,700 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules. 

Option B (PhD in a Subject Relevant To The JOB)

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option B as per the requirements of paragraphs SW9.1 to SW9.4 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant has a PhD in a subject relevant to the job and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £34,830 per year; and
  • 90% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules. 

Option C (PhD in a STEM Subject Relevant To The Job)

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option C according to the requirements of paragraphs SW10.1 to SW10.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant has a PhD in a STEM subject relevant to the job and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £30,960 per year; and
  • 80% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option D (Job On The Immigration Salary List)

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option D in accordance with the requirements of SW11.1 to SW11.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is being sponsored for a job on the Immigration Salary List and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £30,960 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option E (New Entrant)

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option E as per requirements of SW12.1 to 12.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is a new entrant at the start of their career and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £30,960 per year and
  • 70% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Salary Requirements Under Options F to J 

An applicant for a skilled worker visa can only be awarded 20 points from options F to J if:

  • they are being sponsored for a Health and Care ASHE salary job; or
  • the date of application is before 4 April 2030, they were granted permission as a Skilled Worker under the rules in place before 4 April 2024, and they have had continuous permission as a Skilled Worker since then (except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded).

You can be awarded 20 tradeable points under options F to J. The points scoring for 20 tradeable points under option F to J is explained below: 

Meeting Salary Requirement With Option F

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 tradeable points under Option F as per the requirements of SW8.1 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant’s salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £29,000 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 or 2a of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option G (PhD in a Subject Relevant To The JOB)

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 tradeable points under Option G in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs SW9.1 to 9.4 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant has a PhD in a subject relevant to the job and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £26,100 per year; and
  • 90% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 or 2a of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option H (PhD in a STEM Subject Relevant To The Job)

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 points under Option H in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs SW9.1 to 9.4 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant has a PhD in a STEM subject relevant to the job and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £23,200 per year; and
  • 80% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 or 2a of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option I (Job On The Immigration Salary List)

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 tradeable points under Option I in accordance with the requirements of SW11.1 to SW11.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is being sponsored for a job on the Immigration Salary List and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £23,200 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option J (New Entrant)

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 tradeable points under Option E as per requirements of SW12.1 to 12.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is a new entrant at the start of their career and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £23,200 per year and
  • 70% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option K (Job in a Listed Health or Education Occupation) 

Some health and education occupation codes are listed in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations. The going rates for these occupations are taken from national pay scales and no discounts to the going rates are available. If an applicant is being sponsored in an occupation code in Table 3, they can only score tradeable points based on option K.

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa UK can score 20 tradeable points under Option K in accordance with requirements of SW13.1 to 13.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is being sponsored for a job in a listed health or education occupation and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £23,200 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

What Documents Are Required For Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance?

When you apply, you will need to provide:

  • your certificate of sponsorship reference number - your employer will give you this
  • proof of your knowledge of English
  • a valid passport or other document that shows your identity and nationality
  • your job title and annual salary
  • your job’s occupation code
  • the name of your employer and their sponsor licence number - this will be on your certificate of sponsorship

Depending on your circumstances, you might also be asked to provide:

Can I Use Priority Service For Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance?

As specialist skilled worker visa solicitors based in London, we can provide Priority or Super Priority Service for skilled worker visa entry clearance applications so that the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) decides on your application within 5 working days. Our highly experienced skilled worker visa Solicitors can prepare and submit your entry clearance application for a skilled worker visa faster to get a decision on your application faster through Priority Visa Service.

What Is The Processing Time For Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance Application?

An application for skilled worker visa entry clearance from outside the UK submitted through standard service is normally decided by the Home Office UKVI within 3 weeks and an application submitted through Priority Service is normally decided by the UKVI within 5 working days of the biometrics enrolment date. In matters which are complex and require further enquiries/interview, the Home Office UKVI may take longer than the standard service time of 3 weeks.

Can I Re-Apply For Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance After The Refusal?

If your application for Skilled Worker visa entry clearance is refused by the Home Office UKVI, you can re-apply for skilled worker visa entry clearance soon after the refusal decision if you do not want to challenge the refusal by way of an Administrative Review (AR) or if you believe that the decision made by the Home Office UKVI is correct and the fresh application can address the concerns of the decision maker. You will need new defined Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) from your prospective sponsor to submit a fresh application for skilled worker visa entry clearance, as you cannot reuse the same Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) for your fresh application.

How Can I Challenge The Refusal Of  My Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance?

If your skilled worker visa entry clearance has been refused and you believe that the reasons for refusal are unjustified and not in accordance with relevant laws and facts, you can file an Administrative Review (AR) of the refusal decision within 28 days of the refusal decision. Our specialist team of immigration solicitors can represent you in your Administrative Review (AR) of the refusal of your skilled worker visa entry clearance.

How Can We Help With Skilled Worker Visa UK Entry Clearance Application?

Our team of skilled worker visa solicitors specialises in providing expert immigration advice and legal representations for your UK skilled worker visa entry clearance application. We offer our services on a fixed fee basis, ensuring transparency and clarity throughout the process. Here's what our fixed fee covers and the services you can expect:

Advice on Requirements: Our skilled worker visa solicitors will guide you through the necessary requirements for a successful entry clearance application for the UK skilled worker visa.

Document Guidance: We will prepare and provide you with a comprehensive list of supporting documents required for your application.

Documents Assessment: Our solicitors will meticulously assess all your documents to ensure they align with the Immigration Rules' requirements.

Application Form Completion: We'll take care of completing the relevant application forms for your skilled worker visa entry clearance application.

Priority Service Submission: Whenever feasible, we will submit your online entry clearance application through priority service to expedite the decision-making process.

Arranging Biometrics Appointment: After you submit your online application, we'll arrange an appointment for you at the application centre to facilitate biometric enrolment.

Detailed Cover Letter: Our specialist solicitors will draft a detailed cover letter outlining how your application satisfies all legal requirements for approval.

Online Document Upload: Before your biometric enrolment appointment, we will ensure all supporting documents are uploaded online for consideration by the Home Office UKVI in support of your application.

Follow-Up Support: We'll handle all follow-up tasks and communications until a decision is reached by the Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) on your skilled worker visa entry clearance application.

With our dedicated team of skilled worker visa solicitors, you can trust that your application process will be managed efficiently and effectively, providing you with the best chance of success in obtaining your UK skilled worker visa.

Why Choose Our Skilled Worker Visa Solicitors For Your Entry Clearance Application?

Our team of skilled worker visa solicitors are specialised in handling skilled worker visa entry clearance applications. Here are several reasons why you should choose our skilled worker visa solicitors and lawyers in London to handle your skilled worker visa entry clearance application:

Expertise: Our team possesses a deep understanding of the constantly evolving immigration laws and regulations in the UK. We stay abreast of the latest developments to ensure that your case is handled with the highest level of expertise. All aspects of your skilled worker visa entry clearance application will be managed by our specialist team of fully qualified and experienced skilled worker visa solicitors who have extensive experience in dealing with skilled worker visa entry clearance applications from outside the UK.

Personalised Service: We recognise that each immigration case is unique. Therefore, we offer personalised solutions tailored to your specific circumstances.

Results-Driven Approach: Our primary goal is to achieve positive outcomes for our clients. We work tirelessly to maximise your chances of success in your skilled worker visa entry clearance.

Client-Centred Care: Your peace of mind is our priority. We provide clear communication, regular updates, and support throughout your immigration journey.

Remote Legal Services: Our skilled worker visa solicitors can provide the required legal services for your skilled worker visa entry clearance application remotely from our offices in London. Utilising modern technology, our specialist skilled worker visa solicitors and lawyers can handle your skilled worker visa entry clearance application remotely, eliminating the need for you to visit our offices. While we are happy to welcome clients into our offices, if preferred, we are proud to offer remote legal services for your skilled worker visa entry clearance application to save you time and travel costs.

Open 7 Days A Week: We take pride in offering dedicated immigration advice and legal representations for skilled worker visa entry clearance applications, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Fast Track Visa Service: Our team of fast-track immigration solicitors can prepare and submit your skilled worker visa entry clearance application through Priority or Super Priority Service for a faster decision on your application.

Fixed Fees With Payment Plan: Our skilled worker visa solicitors and lawyers charge reasonable and affordable fixed fees for skilled worker visa entry clearance applications. We offer the option to pay our fixed fee in two instalments: half of the agreed fixed fee is due when we commence our work, and the remaining half is payable when we have fully prepared your skilled worker visa entry clearance application and it is ready for submission to the Home Office UKVI.

Choose our immigration solicitors in London for reliable and effective legal support for your skilled worker visa entry clearance application.

Other Related Services

How Much Does Skilled Worker Visa UK Cost?

The costs involved in the entry clearance application for a skilled worker visa from outside the UK are as detailed below:

Our Fees For Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance Application

Our fixed fee for your skilled worker visa entry clearance application ranges from £1,000 to £1,500 (VAT not applicable). Our fixed fee will cover all our work on your skilled worker visa entry clearance application, including advising on documents, checking your documents, completing the application form and submitting the application online, booking an appointment for biometrics enrolment, preparing a cover letter in support of the application, uploading all supporting documents to be considered in support of the application, and carrying out all other follow up work until decision by the Home Office UKVI on your application.

Our agreed fixed fee will depend on the complexity of your case and the volume of work involved in your entry clearance application. You will make an initial payment of half our fee when we start our work on your matter, and the remaining half is due once we have fully prepared the application and it is ready for submission.

Unable to afford the cost of the full service? You have the option to book an appointment online for our one-off immigration advice and consultation service for a fixed fee of £100 (VAT not applicable) or our immigration document checking service for a fixed fee of £300 (VAT not applicable).

UKVI Fees for Your Skilled Worker Visa Entry Clearance Application

If you're submitting your skilled worker visa application from outside the UK, the standard fee varies depending on the duration of your stay in the UK:

  • For stays up to 3 years, the fee is £719 per person and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) at the rate of £1035 per year.
  • For stays exceeding 3 years, the fee is £1,420 per person and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) at the rate of £1035 per year.

Individuals whose occupations are listed on the shortage occupation list are eligible for reduced application fees for themselves and their families:

  • The fee for each person applying is £551 for stays up to 3 years and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) at the rate of £1035 per year
  • For stays exceeding 3 years, the fee is £1,084 per person and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) at the rate of £1035 per year.

If you want your entry clearance application to be processed through Priority Service for a decision within 5 working days, you have to pay an additional fee of £500.

FAQs - Entry Clearance For Skilled Worker Visa UK

Following are the various Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about skilled worker visa entry clearance from outside the UK:

The Skilled Worker visa is a Point Based System (PBS) visa category, and points can be awarded for the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS), job skill level, English language, appropriate Salary, PhD level qualifications, a job on the Immigration Salary List, and the applicant is a new entrant. A total of 70 points are required to be eligible to apply for a Skilled Worker visa; 50 points are mandatory non-tradable points, and the remaining 20 are tradable points.

If the applicant successfully applies for entry clearance for a Skilled Worker visa, they will be granted entry clearance or permission to stay until 14 days after the end date of their certificate of sponsorship (which may be up to a maximum of 5 years after the start date of their certificate of sponsorship).

A Skilled Worker Visa entry clearance is a type of visa that allows individuals from outside the UK to work in a skilled job in the UK. It replaced the Tier 2 (General) visa in December 2020.

There is no longer any specific limit on the number of Skilled Worker Visas that can be issued each year from outside the UK.

Your employer should assign a defined Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) for you to apply for Skilled Worker visa entry clearance from outside the UK.

A total of 70 points are required to be eligible to apply for a Skilled Worker visa; 50 points are mandatory non-tradable points, and the remaining 20 are tradable points.

An application for entry clearance for a Skilled Worker visa must meet all the following requirements for the validity of the application:

  • any fee and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) must have been paid; and
  • the applicant must have provided any required biometrics; and
  • the applicant must have provided a passport or other travel document which satisfactorily establishes their identity and nationality; and
  • the applicant must have a certificate of sponsorship (CoS) that was issued to them by their sponsor no more than 3 months before the date of application;
  • The applicant must be aged 18 or over on the date of application;
  • An applicant applying for entry clearance who has received an award from a Government or international scholarship agency in the 12 months before the date of application which covers both fees and living costs for study in the UK, must have provided written consent to the application from that Government or agency.

An application that does not meet a Skilled Worker's validity requirements is invalid and may be rejected and not considered.

The applicant must have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship for the job they are planning to do; which to be valid must:

  • confirm the applicant’s name, that they are being sponsored as a Skilled Worker, details of the job and salary the sponsor is offering them and PAYE details if HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) requires income tax and National Insurance for the sponsored job to be paid via PAYE; and
  • if the application is for entry clearance, have been allocated by the Home Office to that sponsor for the specific job and salary details shown; and
  • include a start date, stated by the sponsor, which is no more than 3 months after the date of application; and
  • not have been used in a previous application which was either granted or refused (but can have been used in a previous application which was rejected as invalid, made void or withdrawn); and
  • not have been withdrawn by the sponsor or cancelled by the Home Office.

If the applicant is applying for entry clearance and is being sponsored for a job in any of the occupation codes listed below, they must provide a criminal record certificate from the relevant authority in any country in which they have been present for 12 months or more (whether continuously or in total) in the 10 years before the date of application, and while aged 18 or over:

  • 1181 Health services and public health managers and directors
  • 1184 Social services managers and directors
  • 1241 Healthcare practice managers
  • 1242 Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors
  • 2211 Medical practitioners
  • 2212 Psychologists
  • 2213 Pharmacists
  • 2214 Ophthalmic opticians
  • 2215 Dental practitioners
  • 2217 Medical radiographers
  • 2218 Podiatrists
  • 2219 Health professionals not elsewhere classified
  • 2221 Physiotherapists
  • 2222 Occupational therapists
  • 2223 Speech and language therapists
  • 2229 Therapy professionals not elsewhere classified
  • 2231 Nurses
  • 2232 Midwives
  • 2312 Further education teaching professionals
  • 2314 Secondary education teaching professionals
  • 2315 Primary and nursery education teaching professionals
  • 2316 Special needs education teaching professionals
  • 2317 Senior professionals of educational establishments
  • 2318 Education advisers and school inspectors
  • 2319 Teaching and other educational professionals not elsewhere classified
  • 2442 Social workers
  • 2443 Probation officers
  • 2449 Welfare professionals not elsewhere classified
  • 3213 Paramedics
  • 3216 Dispensing opticians
  • 3217 Pharmaceutical technicians
  • 3218 Medical and dental technicians
  • 3219 Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified
  • 3231 Youth and community workers
  • 3234 Housing officers
  • 3235 Counsellors
  • 3239 Welfare and housing associate professionals not elsewhere classified
  • 3443 Fitness instructors
  • 3562 Human resources and industrial relations officers
  • 6121 Nursery nurses and assistants
  • 6122 Childminders and related occupations
  • 6123 Playworkers
  • 6125 Teaching assistants
  • 6126 Educational support assistants
  • 6141 Nursing auxiliaries and assistants
  • 6143 Dental nurses
  • 6144 Houseparents and residential wardens
  • 6145 Care workers and home carers
  • 6146 Senior care workers

The requirement to provide a criminal record certificate does not apply if the applicant provides a satisfactory explanation of why it is not reasonably practicable for them to obtain a criminal record certificate from any or all of the relevant authorities.

There is no longer a cooling-off period for applying for a Skilled Worker visa from outside the UK, and you can apply for a new Skilled Worker visa from outside the UK without any cooling-off period.

If the applicant is applying for entry clearance or has been in the UK for less than 12 months on the date of application, either:

  • the applicant must have funds of at least £1,270 held for at least 28 days as required in Appendix Finance; or
  • the sponsor must certify that they will, if necessary, maintain and accommodate the applicant up to the end of the first month of their employment, to an amount of at least £1,270.

The applicant will be granted entry clearance until 14 days after the end date of their certificate of sponsorship (which may be up to a maximum of 5 years after the start date of their certificate of sponsorship).

The grant will be subject to all the following conditions:

  • no access to public funds; and
  • work is permitted only in the job the applicant is being sponsored for; and
  • supplementary employment is permitted, providing the person continues to work in the job for which they are being sponsored; and
  • voluntary work is permitted; and
  • working out a contractual notice period is permitted, for a job the applicant was lawfully working in on the date of application.

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