You can apply to update your Skilled Worker visa if you change your job and your new job is with a different employer / skilled worker sponsor. According to Home Office, UKVI Guidance on Skilled Worker visa, you will need to apply to update your Skilled Worker or Tier 2 (General) work visa if:

  • you want to change your job and your new job is with a different employer
  • your job changes to a different occupation code, and you are not in a graduate training programme
  • you leave a job that is on the shortage occupation list for a job that is not on the list

Free Immigration Advice For Updating Skilled Worker Visa

Our specialist team of immigration solicitors can provide one-off free immigration advice online regarding your application for updating a skilled worker visa. Ask a question online to our specialist team of immigration solicitors for free immigration advice online, or book an appointment online for detailed immigration advice and consultation with one of our immigration solicitors concerning your application for updating a skilled worker visa.


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Do I Need a New Certificate Of Sponsorship (CoS) To Update My Skilled Worker Visa?

Your employer/sponsor must assign you a new Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) for you to apply for updating your Skilled Worker visa. If your prospective employer does not hold a sponsor licence, our specialist team of solicitors for sponsor licence can provide priority service to your prospective employer with an application for a skilled worker sponsor licence to get a decision on the sponsor licence application within 10 working days.

What Are The Requirements For Updating Skilled Worker Visa UK?

An application for updating the skilled worker visa is made according to requirements as set out in Appendix Skilled Workers, Appendix Skilled Occupations and Appendix Immigration Salary List. The Skilled Worker visa is a Point Based System (PBS) visa category, and points can be awarded for the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS), job skill level, English language, appropriate Salary, PhD level qualifications, a job on the Immigration Salary List, and the applicant applying as a new entrant.

A total of 70 points are required to be eligible to apply for updating the Skilled Worker visa; 50 points are mandatory non-tradeable points, and the remaining 20 are tradeable points.

To be eligible for updating Skilled Worker visa / Tier 2 General visa, you should meet the following requirements:

  • You must be in the UK with leave to remain as a Tier 2 General migrant or as a Skilled Worker;
  • You must be either:
    • changing your job and your new job is with a different employer
    • changing your job to a different occupation code, and you are not in a graduate training programme
    • leaving a job that is on the shortage occupation list for a job that is not on the list
  • You must score 50 points from mandatory non-tradeable points;
  • You must score at least 20 points from tradeable points;
  • If you have not lawfully lived in the UK for the last 12 months, you must meet the financial requirement by showing a balance of not less than £1270 maintained in your account for the last 28 days or your Skilled Worker sponsor has certified your maintenance in the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS);
  • meet the suitability criteria and not fall for refusal under the general grounds for refusal;

You must not be:

  • in breach of immigration laws, except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded; or
  • on immigration bail.

Salary Requirements For Skilled Worker Visa UK

To succeed in the Skilled Worker visa application, the applicant must score 50 points from mandatory non-tradeable points and at least 20 points from tradeable points. 

Mandatory Non-Tradeable Points For Skilled Worker Visa 

The applicant must score 50 mandatory non-tradeable points to succeed in an application for a Skilled Worker visa, and the remaining 20 points can be scored from tradeable points. The mandatory non-tradeable points are given in the table below:

Characterstics Points
Sponsorship 20
Job at appropriate skill level 20
English language skills at level B1 (intermediate) 10

Tradeable Points For Skilled Worker Visa UK

The application process for skilled worker visas asks applicants and sponsors to provide all relevant information that might attract tradeable points. Applicants can score tradeable points in more than one way (although they cannot mix and match different options). To secure a successful skilled worker visa, an applicant must amass 20 tradeable points. These points can be acquired through various options, each offering its own set of criteria for point allocation. However, please note that the applicant can claim 20 points from only one of the available options.

The applicant must be awarded 20 points from one of the options in the table below and for the purpose of meeting these points:

(a) an applicant can only be awarded points from options A to E, unless they meet the requirements in (b) or (c).

(b) An applicant can only be awarded points from options F to J if:

(i) they are being sponsored for a Health and Care ASHE salary job; or
(ii) the date of application is before 4 April 2030, they were granted permission as a Skilled Worker under the rules in place before 4 April 2024, and they have had continuous permission as a Skilled Worker since then (except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded).

(c) An applicant can only be awarded points from option K if they are being sponsored for a job in an appropriate eligible SOC 2020 occupation code listed in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations.

If your initial Certified of Sponsorship (CoS) was assigned on or after 4 April 2024, you will usually need to be paid the ‘standard’ salary rate of at least £38,700 per year, or the ‘going rate’ for your job, whichever is higher. Each occupation code has its own annual going rate. 

Salary Requirements Under Options A to E 

Various options to score 20 tradeable points for meeting the salary requirement for skilled worker visa UK are as follows: 

Meeting Salary Requirements Under Option A

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option A in accordance with the requirements of paragraph SW8.1 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules, the applicant’s salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £38,700 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules. 

Option B (PhD in a Subject Relevant To The JOB)

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option B as per the requirements of paragraphs SW9.1 to SW9.4 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant has a PhD in a subject relevant to the job and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £34,830 per year; and
  • 90% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules. 

Option C (PhD in a STEM Subject Relevant To The Job)

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option C according to the requirements of paragraphs SW10.1 to SW10.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant has a PhD in a STEM subject relevant to the job and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £30,960 per year; and
  • 80% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option D (Job On The Immigration Salary List)

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option D in accordance with the requirements of SW11.1 to SW11.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is being sponsored for a job on the Immigration Salary List and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £30,960 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option E (New Entrant)

The applicant can score 20 tradeable points under Option E as per requirements of SW12.1 to 12.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is a new entrant at the start of their career and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £30,960 per year and
  • 70% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 1 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Salary Requirements Under Options F to J 

An applicant for a skilled worker visa can only be awarded 20 points from options F to J if:

  • they are being sponsored for a Health and Care ASHE salary job; or
  • the date of application is before 4 April 2030, they were granted permission as a Skilled Worker under the rules in place before 4 April 2024, and they have had continuous permission as a Skilled Worker since then (except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded).

You can be awarded 20 tradeable points under options F to J. The points scoring for 20 tradeable points under option F to J is explained below: 

Meeting Salary Requirement With Option F

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 tradeable points under Option F as per the requirements of SW8.1 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant’s salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £29,000 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 or 2a of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option G (PhD in a Subject Relevant To The JOB)

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 tradeable points under Option G in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs SW9.1 to 9.4 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant has a PhD in a subject relevant to the job and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £26,100 per year; and
  • 90% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 or 2a of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option H (PhD in a STEM Subject Relevant To The Job)

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 points under Option H in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs SW9.1 to 9.4 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant has a PhD in a STEM subject relevant to the job and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £23,200 per year; and
  • 80% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 or 2a of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option I (Job On The Immigration Salary List)

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 tradeable points under Option I in accordance with the requirements of SW11.1 to SW11.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is being sponsored for a job on the Immigration Salary List and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £23,200 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option J (New Entrant)

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa can score 20 tradeable points under Option E as per requirements of SW12.1 to 12.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is a new entrant at the start of their career and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £23,200 per year and
  • 70% of the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 2 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Option K (Job in a Listed Health or Education Occupation) 

Some health and education occupation codes are listed in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations. The going rates for these occupations are taken from national pay scales and no discounts to the going rates are available. If an applicant is being sponsored in an occupation code in Table 3, they can only score tradeable points based on option K.

The applicant applying for a skilled worker visa UK can score 20 tradeable points under Option K in accordance with requirements of SW13.1 to 13.3 of Appendix Skilled Worker of the Immigration Rules if the applicant is being sponsored for a job in a listed health or education occupation and their salary equals or exceeds both:

  • £23,200 per year; and
  • the going rate for the SOC 2020 occupation code as set out in Table 3 of Appendix Skilled Occupations of the Immigration Rules.

Can I Use Priority/Super Priority Service To Update a Skilled Worker Visa?

As specialist skilled worker visa solicitors based in London, we are registered with the Home Office, UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) and its commercial partners UKVCAS Sopra Steria to provide Priority/Super Priority Service for updating a skilled worker visa whereby a decision on your skilled worker visa application will be made within 24 hours if you submit your application through Super Priority Service or within 5 working days if you submit your application through Priority Service.

Our skilled worker visa solicitors can prepare and submit your application to update your skilled worker visa faster and get you a decision faster through Priority or Super Priority Service. This way, you will not have to wait for the decision on your Skilled Worker visa application for months (sometimes years).

How Can We Help With Updating Skilled Worker Visa?

Our specialist team of skilled worker visa solicitors can provide expert immigration advice and legal representations for your application to update your skilled worker visa on a fixed fee basis. Our skilled worker visa solicitors can fully represent you in your application for updating your skilled worker visa to cover all our work your application until a decision is made by the Home Office UKVI on your application for updating your skilled worker visa. The immigration casework to be carried out by our specialist team of skilled worker visa solicitors will entail the following:

Advice on requirements: Our skilled worker visa solicitors will advise you on the relevant requirements you have to meet for your application for updating skilled worker visa to be successful;

Documentary advice: Our skilled worker visa solicitors will prepare and email you a comprehensive list of supporting documents to be submitted in support of your application for updating your skilled worker visa;

Assessing documents: Our skilled worker visa solicitors will assess your documents to make sure that all the documents you provide in support of your application are in accordance with the requirements of the immigration rules;

Completing the application form: Our immigration lawyers will complete the relevant application form for your application to update your skilled worker visa;

Submitting an application through Priority or Super Priority Service: If required, our skilled worker visa solicitors will submit your online skilled worker visa application through priority/super priority service to get a faster decision on your application for updating your skilled worker visa;

Booking an appointment with the application centre: After the online submission of your application for updating your skilled worker visa, our skilled worker visa solicitors will book your appointment with the application centre for you to enrol your biometrics;

Detailed cover letter: Our specialist skilled worker visa solicitors will prepare a detailed cover letter in support of the application for updating the skilled worker visa to explain all the relevant legal requirements and how such requirements have been satisfied by the applicant with the documents being submitted with the application;

Uploading documents online: Before the biometrics enrolment date, our immigration lawyers will upload online all the supporting documents to be considered in support of your application for updating your skilled worker visa;

Follow-up work: Our immigration lawyers will do all the follow-up work until the Home Office UKVI decides on your application to update your skilled worker visa.

How Much Does Updating Of Skilled Worker Visa UK Cost?

The costs involved in the application for updating a skilled worker visa from inside the UK are as detailed below:

Our Fixed Fees

Our fixed fee for your application for updating a skilled worker visa ranges from £800 + VAT to £1,200 + VAT. Our fixed fee will cover all our work on your application for updating your skilled worker visa from inside the UK, including advising on documents, checking your documents, completing the application form and submitting the application online, booking an appointment for biometrics enrolment, preparing a cover letter in support of the application, uploading all supporting documents to be considered in support of the application, and carrying out all other follow up work until decision by the Home Office UKVI on your application.

Our agreed fixed fee will depend on the complexity of your case and the volume of work involved in your application. You will make an initial payment of half our fee when we start working on your matter, and the remaining half is due once we have fully prepared the application and it is ready for submission.

Unable to afford the cost of the full service? You have the option to book an appointment online for our one-off immigration advice and consultation service for a fixed fee of £100 (including VAT) or our immigration document checking service for a fixed fee of £300 (including VAT).

Home Office UKVI Fees

If you are applying for updating skilled worker visa from inside the UK, the Home Office UKVI fees for the application depend on the duration of your intended stay:

  • For stays up to 3 years, the fee is £827 per person and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) at the rate of £1035 per year.
  • For stays exceeding 3 years, the fee is £1,636 per person and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) at the rate of £1035 per year.

Individuals whose occupations are listed on the shortage occupation list are eligible for reduced application fees for themselves and their families:

  • The fee for each person applying is £551 for stays up to 3 years and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) at the rate of £1035 per year
  • For stays exceeding 3 years, the fee is £1,084 per person and Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) at the rate of £1035 per year.

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FAQs - Updating Skilled Worker Visa UK

Following are the various Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for updating a skilled worker visa from inside the UK:

You can apply to update your Skilled Worker visa through Priority or Super Priority Service to get a faster decision on your application.

As specialist skilled worker visa solicitors based in London, we are registered with the Home Office, UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) and its commercial partners UKVCAS Sopra Steria to provide Priority/Super Priority Service for Skilled Worker visa applications whereby a decision on your Skilled Worker visa application will be made within 24 hours if you submit your application through Super Priority Service or within 5 working days if you submit your application through Priority Service.

Our Skilled Worker visa Solicitors can prepare and submit your application faster and get you a decision faster through Priority and Super Priority Service. This way, you will not have to wait for the decision on your application for months (sometimes years).

To be eligible for updating Skilled Worker visa/Tier 2 General visa, you should meet the following requirements:

  • You must be in the UK with leave to remain as a Tier 2 General migrant or as a Skilled Worker;
  • You must be either:
    • changing your job and your new job is with a different employer
    • changing your job to a different occupation code, and you are not in a graduate training programme
    • leaving a job that is on the shortage occupation list for a job that is not on the list
  • You must score 50 points from mandatory non-tradeable points;
  • You must score at least 20 points from tradeable points;
  • If you have not lawfully lived in the UK for the last 12 months, you must meet the financial requirement by showing a balance of not less than £1270 maintained in your account for the last 28 days or your Skilled Worker sponsor has certified your maintenance in the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS);
  • meet the suitability criteria and not fall for refusal under the general grounds for refusal;

You must not be:

  • in breach of immigration laws, except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded; or
  • on immigration bail.

The applicant must score 50 mandatory non-tradeable points to succeed in an application for updating Skilled Worker visa and the remaining 20 points can be scored from tradable points. The mandatory non-tradeable points are given in the table below:

Characterstics Points
Sponsorship 20
Job at appropriate skill level 20
English language skills at level B1 (intermediate) 10
  • If the applicant is applying for permission to stay and has been in the UK with permission for 12 months or longer on the date of application, they will meet the financial requirement and do not need to show funds.
  • If the applicant has been in the UK for less than 12 months on the date of application, either:
    • the applicant must have funds of at least £1,270; or
    • the sponsor must certify that they will, if necessary, maintain and accommodate the applicant up to the end of the first month of their employment, to an amount of at least £1,270.
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